Monday, January 21, 2013


Another frosty morning drew me to a favorite haunt.  The entire (large) lake was frozen over, even though it looks like water in this picture. 
I call it "stump-berg":

Closer to shore, shallow ice made patterns that looked to me like rushing water in a stream bed:

I really like the muted, antiqued tri-colored stack of leaves on the left:

Flotsam and jetsam frozen in time, including fishing line:

When I arrived, the ducks were huddled high up on the bank, but suddenly ventured out on the ice, slipping
into odd positions as they went. But they seemed so determined:

I hope she doesn't need a hip replacement later in life:

They were so smart!  It was exactly the moment when ice around rocks had melted just enough for drinking and preening water:

The stumps in Rattlesnake Lake are so photogenic, no matter what the season.
But I had never seen them encased in ice.  Being a coastal beach girl, I loved how the ice thrusting against the trunks looks like breaking surf:


pat said...

Once again....same place, different views. Although, we were lurking at the same stump! So glad you were able to catch the ducks on the ice. They weren't at all interested in getting out there when I was at the lake.

pat said...
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Lynda said...

These are truly extraordinary. I wish I could see them next to this comment box, so that I could write something about each one of them. The duck pics are amazing. I can't believe you were able to time them as you did: one foot through the ice, then all lined up for some preening. So precious! I agree about the rushing river look of the ice, and I just really enjoy your perspective on each and every one.