Wednesday, February 12, 2014


While on errands this week, I had a few minutes 
to swing by Snoqualmie Mill Pond.
I was happy to see it completely frozen, 
though it was disappointingly
empty of water fowl.

Enter my next favorite pond subject:
cattails, warming up in the afterglow 
of sunrise:

I made this photo
with the sunrise at my back, 
which of course completely changed the color:

I was driving off when I saw the last of 
the low light made for a silhouette, so had to get 
back out into the cold:

A closer shot 
shows a Canada goose's take-off pattern etched on the ice:

1 comment:

pat said...

Lucky you to be there early in the morning! That first shot is just magical. Love the sun reflected on the ice that leads the eye to the blue mountains. Lovely shot, ML. They are all evocative of time and place, but love that first one.