Monday, February 10, 2014


Dick and I live just moments from Snoqualmie Falls, so when Pat called with the suggestion to check conditions in the freeze, it was an easy outing.  And a welcome one!

A huge project recently turned a bushwhacker's path (which I have taken many times)  into a safe and relatively easy trek to the bottom of the Falls.  It is a wonderful perspective; especially when we could get close to the icy river.

Note here the individual on the rocks, just forward of where the falls hits the water (dark jacket).  There are barriers and warning signs to NOT go down onto the rocks, but isn't there always  the one to challenge the officials?  I noted that this man had a tripod, so was a photographer, and I secretly envied his dangerous position: 

I thought this icy rock looked like a walrus!

River rocks wore sequined tutus of ice: 

Returning to the car, we noticed sword ferns were curled against the extreme cold,
as if hugging themselves and shivering: 

1 comment:

pat said...

Both these posts are wonderful! We certainly we lucky with the weather conditions. I particularly like your shot of the river, prior to Walrus Rock (and yes, it does look like that!!) I will have a couple of shots of those lovely ice-encrusted weeds. Our eyes were caught by the same thing. No surprise there.