Saturday, February 8, 2014


This winter is being very fickle and moody.  Even when we choose a photo destination, the light and weather can change in minutes.  I was happy for a call from Pat recently, with the invitation to go out to Rattlesnake Lake "just for the refreshing air, even if the light isn't right."  

So, it seemed when we first got there that it was going to be a blah, gray end of the day. 
Here is how it first appeared:

We started around the lake to the left, just to feel the exhilaration of a walk on the rocky lake shore.  Suddenly the setting sunlight was so bright in our eyes, we were seeing red blotches.
Cameras were at the ready to catch what we could:


Blinded by the golden brightness, I turned around to walk backwards.
I couldn't believe how "autumnal" the reflection was; bare-limbed trees appeared to
have orange/gold leaves: 

Stumps and their reflections glowed against the backdrop of new-snow-dusted Mt. Si:

We had so many "Ooh/ Ahh" moments just turning one way and then another!
I made as many photos as I possibly could while the setting sun performed  amazingly.
This one makes the water look thick and smooth as oil against the rocks : 

I saw it, then hurried to get steady footing on the rocks in order to capture the golden outline on the lake's far edge:
And clouds were constantly reflecting different colors:

Good thing I had to keep turning my back on the blinding sunset, or I might have missed some great reflections.  Here are trees silhouetted in front of Mt. Si's reflection: 

Turn back around!   The cloud reflection was even more intense than the sky itself, like paint spilled on the rocks and spread out:

The last light warms the rocks and outlines Mt. Si's reflection. 
The entire sunset show lasted not more than 15 minutes.
We felt so lucky in our timing!  

1 comment:

pat said...

what a perfect progression! You did well capturing the quickly fleeting changes of light. The leading lines with the rocks in the first shot are very effective. Nice composition! Love the "oily" water. These are all great. We certainly we lucky to be there for that quick little show.