Friday, May 13, 2011


Sunshine in the morning!  Sunshine all day!  That's what makes these beauties glow; it is D's sister Barb who makes these beauties grow.
A stroll through parts of her garden warmed my heart this morning.
This is an Iceland poppy - a cup of morning cheer:

 And glad-faced peonies, so bright it hurts the eyes:

 It is always hard for me to believe orchids grown outside!  This refraction was clear, but
the orchid too close to define it as such:
 These drops do not come from dew in this southern clime, but from the early-morning sprinkler system.
These droplettes are skewered  by miniscule fuzz on a poppy stem:
 A frosty-white Iceland poppy:
 And another poppy with cast-aside bud hood:
 I call this "dew-dew" because one droplette is resting atop another water drop:
 Agapanthas are periwinkle blue!  Here, a water drop has a refraction, but it is of a petal so slender that it appears the drop is outlined in blue:
 Trio of crinkly Iceland poppies looks almost to be singing into the morning:
 The center of an Iceland poppy in all its intricasies:


Lynda said...

As usual, exquisite! I particularly love the periwinkle blue, the peonies, and the droplets, especially "dew-dew." Please give Aunt Barb a big hug and squeeze from me. I am envious of the two of you enjoying such sunny bliss and color together; I wish I could join you!

pat said...

What a glorious place to enjoy the sunshine! I envy you the sun, the warmth, and all those blooms, unmolested by the deer and elk (chased 2 big elk out of the yard yesterday afternoon...) I really like the shot of the 3 poppies; such a cherry little group!