Sunday, May 29, 2011


Instead of heading home from Boise the usual route, we drove due north through the western part of Idaho.
The scenic byway we selected was the windiest road we have ever driven.
That says a lot, given all the backroads we have traveled.
That is because we were already into the next curve as soon as leaving one, plus the ups and downs of following river routes to farm plateaus.
Part of it was called "Devil's Elbow" route.
I think we did the entire skeleton by day's end.

Near New Meadows, Idaho, on Stonebreaker Lane:

 A contributor to the Little Salmon River:

 High above Lewis and Clark's Clearwater River:
(Yes, it has a tin roof, but it is near Cavendish, which is a direct-line family name for me.)

If you know me, you know that a tin roof nulifies the whole barn for me.
But the late afternoon light sort of washed away the tackiness on this one:
 Plus it was the cupola that really charmed me:

1 comment:

pat said...

Devil's Elbow, indeed! Sounds as if that road was a pretzel. Trust you to find some wonderful barns. I LOVE the cupola shot--such wonderful detail in that time-beaten structure.