Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Three days ago, after I took the photos of the spent pussy willows and as I was returning to my car, I spotted a juvinile magnolia tree with flowers in all stages of bloom.  Hurriedly I snapped a couple of pics, as to do so, I was in someone's front yard.  Now I wish I had spent more time!  Yesterday morning we had a heavy frost.  As I was driving out on errands - what did I see but parchment-brown blossoms on every single magnolia tree (there are many) in the area.  Large, brown blossoms had replaced the luscious pink and white, drooping as if in embarrassment.  So sad.

These pics do not honor that poor deceased blossom the way they would if I had known the shortness of their lives, but I am so glad I "visited" with them!


pat said...

Oh goodness! So glad you caught these before Jack Frost did them in. The detail on that second shot is scrumptious.

Lynda said...

Oh, the colors here are so delicate and beautiful!

You have captured Nature's perfection, and brought it up close and personal for our consideration. You always help us to see the extraordinary in the most "ordinary" things. To think we are mostly whizzing by such beauty! Thank you for capturing it when you did. You truly have a gift; no PhotoShop needed! Perfect composition and framing.

I've always loved magnolias; these pictures make me want to add at least one to our yard. (Lynda)

Lynda said...

YES YES!!! This is exactly what I've been missing all these months!!! So very glad to see you're back at it Gramma. We sure do love you and the creativity you inspire in both of us. Remember, we wouldn't have gotten started on serious photography if it wasn't for you... thank you for sharing.
