Thursday, February 17, 2011


It tried to snow this morning, so I stuck my camera in the car.  No snow.  In fact, no interesting weather at all.  Then I went on an errand to a friend's home not far from here, but around the other side of the mountain from us.  The sun blinked for just a moment as I rounded the corner from home, and I snapped this, glad that the camera was still on board.  An overabundance of recent rain has left puddles with a view:

Rounding the bend to my destination - what?  Did I see the patches of high, new snow moving a bit?

 Be still my heart!  Better yet, be still my hands!  Oh, for a better telephoto lens!  This was the best I could do with what I have:

More weather changes yet!  As soon as I got home, this is what I saw from my computer desk.  It is rare that we see Little Si distinguished from Mt. Si behind it.  From our perspective, it usually blends right into the flanks of the larger mountain:

And here is their relationship, but very defined:

Well, as long as I am posting the fresh rainbow, here is one from 2 weeks ago at Snoqualmie Falls where the colors formed in the icy mist of the Falls:  (I have that old nemesis directional switch going on here. Hummphhh!)
These photos were not thrilling to me.  I would normally not have even posted them.  But to view the goats was indeed thrilling, and I know my family and friends would want to see the experience more than prize-winning photos.


pat said...

OH!!!! OH!!!!!! OH!!!!!!!! FOUR of them???? Man oh man, yes for a 400 (or more) but kudos for getting that shot---and for seeing them in the first place! Love the shot of Little Si, too. You are right--all too often it is nestled right in the flank of Si and the greens just blend.

Lynda said...

Oh wow! The post title is perfect; thank goodness you had your camera with you for these magical encounters! I would have loved to see those goats with you - a perfect moment - I am so glad that you were able to capture it to share it with all of us.

The puddle picture is one of those that you have to look several times before you actually realize what you are seeing. Wonderful!

I love the picture of Little Si. You really have such a beautiful view from your desk; that has to be so inspirational!

All those rainbows! I think they have to be a special "kiss" to you from Heavenly Father, who sees the wonder and magic in you, and He knows how much you appreciate all of His "little details."