Monday, April 5, 2010


What a wonderful Easter weekend we had!
Almost the whole family came to our home, and the
collective dishes of favorites made for a fabulous dinner.
I had fun setting the table and arranging fresh flowers the day before:

I am excited each Easter to retrieve from the rafters the decorations
we bought while living in Hungary.
Here is a clutch of eggs from Hungary's famous Herend porcelain.
You can also see why they turned out so fancy, being laid by such a lacy hen:

This morning I stepped outside between the rain-fall and the hail-storm.
The opening of this tulip was intriguing, with the deep inside color as contrast to the striated, lighter outside:

Then there was this hanger-on drop which had a nice reflection, even if it
is just more tulip leaves:


Lynda said...

Oh Wow! I LOVE the little droplets on the last two flowers. I don't know how you do that, but they are beautiful!

The Easter table was exquisite. You do everything so beautifully, and set the example for the rest of us. Your flower arrangement was absolutely perfect.

Thank you for welcoming us to your home, we always feel so comfortable and loved there.

pat said...

I haven't seen your lacy hen--she is as lovely as the eggs. What a beautiful table, and centerpiece. You always know how to set the mood by setting the "setting". (how redundant). Love the tulip macros, and your refraction shot is wonderful! I am jealous that you HAVE tulips! The bonus of city living...