Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Yesterday was mild and lovely, so I grabbed my camera when heading out
for a local errand.
Everything looked the same to me; the same as things I have photographed lately in the Snoqualmie area.
But, I went around the backside of a few blocks,
and came up with these two bright spots in front yards:

 Well, this was more like a back yard.
I am frustrated that the photo won't post vertical, but
I put it here anyway, to show the wonderful color
of the old outbuilding's  siding, and
the moss on the shingled roof.

There was actually more tree ivy than moss.
I wish I had this abundance at my fingertips, 
as tree moss is what I use for filler in holiday arrangements:

Well, what do you know?  Somehow, on our way home from the Olallee outing,
Pat and I ended up at Rattlesnake Lake!
It looked different than just a week ago (see recent post);
the atmosphere was much more end-of-season, and sort of tired-looking:

We were there so late in the day that the 
colors in the atmosphere changed from minute to minute.
There was a sort of "sepia" feeling in the air for one brief moment.
This is the very same perspective as the photo above the stump pic:

We debated about staying until sunset, but we 
also figured that would be at least 45 minutes, and we
had to get back.
Almost sunset:

1 comment:

Lynda said...

All of the colors here are truly astounding. The first two pictures are exquisite . . . I love the juxtaposition of black and orange for the first, and red and green for the second (don't you wonder how long that roof is going to last?). If I didn't know you better, I would have thought you had touched up the sepia-toned pic of Rattlesnake Lake. What beauty!