Wednesday, June 29, 2011


We tried to dissuade them in April, being as the real estate Mr. Robin selected is in a busy place near our patio door.  But while we were gone in May, he built his home for Mrs. Robin right here anyway.
"Just two of us
in our home of sticks":

"Before we knew it,
babies make six!"

Mama looks more exotic here than a robin because
of the filtered sunlight dappling her feathers:

Anyone who knows me well will be shocked to see this pic.
Yes, I actually post Papa with his worm offering!
(Shudder, shudder!)
But the babies were too cute to pitch this photo:

"Lookie over here!  It will fit better in my beak!"

Do birdlings' beaks ever come unhinged?

I can't help but imagine this little guy is a Tattle-"tail".
"Waa. She pinched me!"

This photo is dedicated to my patient sister-in-law, Barb.
She didn't think me rude when I dropped the phone while she was talking
to grab my camera for this:


pat said...

Oh, you have the (ahem) cat-bird's seat for all these wonderful shots! You get to check on the progress of the little fuzzytops every day, lucky you. What a fun thing to watch. I am SO proud of you for the W...M photo. I can just see you shuddering as you took it-that goodness for VR technology!!

Lynda said...

I really, really love these! What a perfect opportunity.