Friday, August 20, 2010


Since the trip to Mt. Rainier was driven by the hopes of seeing wildflowers still in bloom,
I post here a sampling of the happy encounters we had.
Beargrass with a View:

Alpine meadows of blue:

False Hellebore:

Mountain Lupine is more stunning to me than the nursery variety
because it is not fat ad compact, but much more delicate:

Magenta Paintbrush and False Hellebore play peek-a-boo with The Mountain:

... and a Ptarmigan plays hide-'n-seek with us:

On the trail to Myrtle Falls just before sunset:

Pasqueflower stands tall enough to be back-lit by the setting sun,
like candles stuck in the meadow just before dusk:
(click to enlarge)
To correct a typo in the following post, Pasqueflower is jokingly referred to
as "Mouse ON a stick", not "in" a stick.

1 comment:

Lynda said...

One of your greatest gifts is the ability to come up with such clever titles for your pictures - they just make me smile all over!

I really love "Beargrass with a View" and also the close up of the beargrass. I really need some lessons from you; it was so brilliant to frame the beargrass "viewing" the mountain as you did - it creates ever-so-much-more interest in the picture. The beargrass almost has a "humanity" about it, as it looks like it is peering over the tops of the trees.

I also love the composition and feel of the natural little "bridge" with all of the wildflowers below. That's a spot I'd love to visit; a little corner of God's garden, don't you think? Beautifully captured! (Lynda)