Thursday, August 19, 2010


When Western Washington natives exclaim, "The mountain is out!", they mean that Mount Rainier is visible, and not hiding amongst the frequent clouds, looking like a high mass of clouds itself.
Well, for me and a photo friend, not only was The Mountain "out" for us a couple of days ago, but it was "in", "on", and all "around" for us!
This was our first glimpse of Rainier as we drove to Sunrise early on a gorgeous morning, "in" our laps:
We knew we had the ideal weather; it was even shirt-sleeve warm.
Here, from Sunrise, is the Tatoosh Range:

We timed this outing in hopes of seeing the wildflowers still in bloom.
The view, the weather, and yes - the wildflowers - made this
the perfect day:

This is the seedhead for the Pasqueflower, which I think is lovlier than
the bloom itself.  A ranger said they like to call it, "Mouse-in-a-stick"!

This photo is of Yakima Peak, taken from Lake Tipsoo.
It looks like I used a fish-eye lens, but I don't have one of those!  Must be the
perspective; I was on my tummy:

Another Pasqueflower seedhead:

Meet this teeny butterfly, about 1 inch tall.
I call him "Blue Angel":

The more we drove, the more we felt "on" the Mountain:
Lake Tipsoo:

This trip was to be all about wildflowers, so in my following posts, I hope
there will be some of those.  I am only partially along in the viewing of
my photos, but, as I said above, I just couldn't wait to start sharing!


pat said...

very nice! I really really like the one with the low perspective and the flowers right up front. Wonderful foreground framing. Glad to see the Blue Angel was a keeper. That was a GREAT day, wasn't it?

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, as usual!
Judy W.

Lynda said...

These are all so exquisitely beautiful!

My personal favorite is the second blue butterfly; I love how you have framed the picture and the silvery-blue wings against the white blossoms is just plain ethereal.

Lake Tipsoo is one of those perfect calendar pics - the parks department ought to PAY you for it, it is so perfect in every detail.

I also love the perspective of the tummy picture. You truly are a master! (Lynda)