Monday, June 9, 2008


I posted these for Macro Monday today. We had an eye-blink moment of no rain, so I hurried to the neighbor's yard where I have been watching these poor poppies get beaten-down by the storms. I love their color and hoped to get better photos, but they were way past their prime. I think this one looks like a soggy sea creature:

And the fringe on this one is almost comical:
This blossom flew the coop! Usually this part of the flower is gone by the time there is a bloom:
The backside of a wild carrot which is one of the things I pruned in the woods for the large arrangement. These "spokes" are needle-thin:


Lynda said...

You are right: the first picture does look like a "sea creature" - the colors are beautiful; looks like you have found your comfort zone with Merriweather, and the two of you are working together beautifully!

Chell said...

These are very cool and interesting shots!!