Saturday, June 21, 2008


The first half of this week I drove south to visit our dear, long-time friends who live in a little tiny town called Rainier. You can guess why it has that name, I think, by seeing the 1st photo, below. In our neck of the woods, the locals refer to "The Mountain", rather than "Mt. Rainier", and classify its appearance by, "The Mountain is out", or its non-appearance by "The Mountain isn't out." While I was visiting, it was a combination of the 2, as shown here:
Imagine, had its entire base been visible, what the scope of that mountain really is!
I decided to drive just little backroads on my return home, rather than freeway. I went until I bumped into The Mountain, and then turned north. Yes, I had to turn around a couple of times, the scene below being one place, but the farmer gave me directions.
Wildflower season! I thoroughly enjoyed my leisurely drive.

One last look back, but The Mountain is still suspended:


Margaret said...

Wow! Love how it looks like the mountain is just floating there! Love your wildflower shots, too! Very nice!

Sharon said...

Wonderful photos!

pat said...

OH!! LOVE LOVE these! What a wonderful drive. I love the way Rainy is hanging over the barn; it resembles a very solid cloud. Your wildflower shots are stunning, ML. Wish I could've been with you!!

Michelle said...

what a beautiful area! love how you caught all the different aspects of the area.