Sunday, May 18, 2008


Lucky for us, it was a cloudy day; best for crowd control, and best for photography. These are all straight out of the camera, and yes, we could get "that" close and these are not cropped.

This tapir decided to stick his tongue out at us, and he was caught in the act!
Now, here is a charmer! This gorilla's face was literally pressed against the glass. Not a good photo because of lighting and glass. See below for perspective!
You probably wouldn't know this is a gorilla unless I told you; too much glass glare. A and gorilla were nose-to-nose!


pat said...

ML--the tapir is a HOOT! Don't see those guys too often, and this is a not-usually-seen angle. HOWEVER--that is not a gorilla. The guy pressed up against the window is the male orangutan; check out the red fur, the eye pouches, and of course, the Woobie.

periwinkle eye images said...

ooops - misrepresentation! You are so right Pat - how could I miss our favorite?