Monday, February 25, 2008

Trial and Error - lots of them!

Okay, now these shots were just taken with my Olympus C770 point 'n shoot. They are sooc because I wanted to compare them with the first tulip shots which are also sooc. In these there is no graininess and the green flower head parts are also very much in focus. I wanted this in the Nikon shots, but could not get it.
So, did I spend all that money for nothing??? Please help me here! In these Oly shots I had to be within an inch. With the Nikkor 105mm macro lens I was told to, "Stand back, and crop!" But the result is too noisy. I would love help from any of you who have the same equipment! ML


Deb said...

Don't stand back and crop :) For macro you need to be close to the subject and because you are close to the subject, stop down (no wide open aperture). Use a tripod ... even a cable release or delayed shutter with the timer if possible. Switch from Auto to Manual focus and make sure your focus is set just right before taking the shot. Macro is definitely not 'fast' work. The Nikon version of your example just doesn't look like it's in focus ... perhaps needing a more narrow aperture - try f11 - f16. Noise comes from improper exposure so use your lowest ISO and meter carefully.

Mom-entarily Out of Order said...

Yep what Debbi said. :-)