Thursday, August 25, 2011


Important note: meeting good folks, having someone else do the "driving", spectacular food and entertainment, plus a high degree of "relaxation factor" made cruising a very nice "compromise" indeed!
Our last port of call was Prince Rupert, BC.
Compared to the other places on this trip, we feel it did not have much to offer.
The best part was the bay and the entrance to the city's harbor:

A couple of reflection photos in the harbor itself:

Forgot to add in earlier posts a representative of a very important
wild thing of Alaska which we have seen; here, watching over Prince Rupert:

Totem poles, of course, are an important icon of Alaska, and I "collected" many.
This very old one was my favorite:

Our last day at sea was just that - completely at sea.  Since our cabin was on the starboard side and we were sailing west of Vancouver Island, we settled in, not expecting to see land or any significant sights as we had been fortunate to do every other day of our cruise.  When what to our wondering eyes should appear, but a stirring of the blue waters, right alongside the ship, and out...and out...! More than a hundred dolphins!
What a show they displayed! 
We could almost hear their "Whee!  Whee!"
as they scuffled the sea's surface and cavorted:

Alas, my answer to the continuing queries has to be: "No, we saw NO moose!"
Frustratingly, in all our latest travels, including to the remote Northwest Territories above B.C, the Maritime Provinces,
repeated trips to the Canadian Rockies and Glacier Nat.'l Park and northern New England states, my one wish was to see a moose in the wild. "Surely you will when you are in ....." (all of the above) we are told, always with confidence.  Same thing before we went to Alaska,  Loved Ones and Those Who Care,
wished me a moose sighting.
It didn't happen.
The closest we got was when our heads were on the pillow cases I made for this trip, made from a moose print fabric,  here in our capacious cabin:

The best "sighting" of all!  Just a few days after we returned home,
Leslie (our 2nd oldest granddaughter) and Andrew had their first baby!
Introducing precious and perfect Reagan Marie, here just 8 hours old:

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