Wednesday, October 15, 2008


This morning was an ideal autumn morning, with sun above fog and leaves at their brightest. So, I left early for errands in order to go slowly through Snoqualmie with my camera. I have been watching this particular curb as colorful leaves piled up to more than a foot, so I was anxious to get a photo. As I stood there, getting my camera ready, around this corner came the street sweeper! Slowly, agonizingly, he took away that lovely bank of color right in front of my eyes! I felt like a kid who just dropped a double-decker ice cream cone! Wah! The sweeper's wet path is visible here:

I first went past the mill pond, and here the fog was too thick for a photo of the reflected colors across the water! Wah, again.

By the time I got to the old trains, the fog was lifting, so the effect I wanted was gone - again, right before my eyes!
All these photos are straight from the camera, without color enhancement. I LOVE autumn!
I really wanted the fog, but oh well:


pat said...

I can't believe it!! I hit all of these except for the mill pond on the way home yesterday!!! I REALLY need time for a photo outing with you. LOVE your colors in here. The fog would've been cool, but these shots are awesome. Love the railway car against the foliage.

Lynda said...

Do you have any idea how much I miss having moss growing on the sidewalk. These pictures really bring us back home. Thank you...

Brett and Lynda

Lynda said...

My personal favorite here is the backlit red branches against the dark evergreens. This is a picture worthy of any pro! [And I hope it will be on any future calendars that may be coming forth.] The love of Autumn is going to be just one more thing we share in common! [Lynda]