Friday, September 26, 2008


We have been on backroads now for 10 days. Our first few days were in the northern interior of British Columbia. We always choose the most "back" of backroads and we are never disappointed with the treasures they yield. The high country on a gravel road pass between Pavilion and Clinton gave us this large black bear and her cub:

And lots of marshes. In this, the solo duck was a mirror reflection:
And one of my favorite subjects is tumble-down aged farm structures. The autumn colors enhance the weathered wood:
From the pass, the atmosphere made these ridges so blue, all in a fading line:
This was actually taken much later, at Maligne Lake in Jasper National Park, Alberta. It had started to snow!


pat said...

Love the bear shot!! I certainly wouldn't've been able to take it...glad you got it. Nice nice shots--the old fence is lovely, and love the shot of Maligne Lake. What a gorgeous location!!

Shannon said...

ML, you were only 2 hours from where I live....I know exactly where this is...I can't believe you were that close. I have never taken the pavillion road though..we stick to the main highway. hOpe you enjoyed your time in the Cariboo