Saturday, August 9, 2008


As we drove entirely around The Mountain, vibrant colors shouted out from every direction. Summer colors - not Autumn! These photos are straight out of the camera, without color enhancement...this is exactly how these places looked. This little peacock-blue lake is called Shadow Lake:

And this verdant sloped is like a hundred others:
The greens just popped, except for this poor little mud-colored lake. But look - it's shaped like a heart!
I had to bring our car to a screeching halt - seeing these layers of blue. I wasn't sure how long the atmosphere would allow this to show:

1 comment:

pat said...

My goodness ML, these are wonderful!! I love the way we saw the same things, yet didn't! You had much more of the mountain on view than we did. Love the views and angles and especially the blue vistas!