Saturday, September 14, 2013


I don't know where else in the world the sunsets are so consistently stunning than on the east coast of Lake Michigan.  Each night presents a different color show, and each location shows off uniquely too.
I love that so many folks stop what they are doing to go to their favorite viewing place at sunset.
We went a different place every night.

"The Golden Hour" is actually that: an hour of glow that hums on after the sky is dark.
The phenomenon is that it doesn't really look "dark" , but it is.
Here, someone  is still able to watch his kite aloft:

And here, young men play like little children in the after-glow:

We had actually enjoyed a sunset and had returned back to the condo after dark, but these returning fishing boats were still silhouetted, coming towards our "home":

Hopefully we can make more of these next year - 
our own footprints next to fresh, unsalted water:

For good measure, we made our own cairn and a wish to return.
Big Sable Lighthouse is in the distance, down the shoreline:


-Hughes Family- said...

Beautiful, Beautiful. I now have another place to visit to put on my "to go list." You are a wonderful photographer. Thanks for sharing.

-Hughes Family- said...

Beautiful, Beautiful. I now have another place to visit to put on my "to go list." You are a wonderful photographer. Thanks for sharing.

pat said...

What a wonderful summation of our heart-filling trip! You have captured the essence of that magical place, and I am ready to pack my bags...again. The sunset shots, in particular, make me long to be sitting on the beach, watching the show.