Wednesday, February 6, 2013


It came to mind while I was headed toward an appointment near my childhood neighborhood that I should check out a long-ago favorite place at the north-east end of Lake Washington.
I was not disappointed!  In fact, I was so excited to see the photo possibilities!
It has been turned into a wildlife preserve, with boardwalks making the wetlands very accessible.
Another perfect thing is that I was alone.
Here I started out, with so much anticipation!

At one boardwalk's end:

It was such a bleak day, and this gnarly old tree
presented a nice silhouette:

I was surprised to see this little clump of fall leaves; survivors where all else
was colorless:

Patience paid off.  A wood duck, looking very much like a true 
wooden decoy:

Not a lake monster, but a reflection:

I took this photo for the piers, but there is a cormorant 
in the distance:

This Great Blue Heron did not look so regally tall and "great" with his hunched-over, tip-toed, stealthy fishing walk:

Quintet of survivors:

The most frustration I had was in trying to make a photo of the Bufflehead.  Fishing must have been great as I mostly saw just ripples in the lake surface where they disappeared.  They were much too fast for my point-'n-shoot camera with a slow lens.  Nevertheless, it was exciting to watch them:

On the way back to my car, I heard before I saw a pair of Northern Flickers
high in a tree:
The End.  I saw a lot of this posture!


Laura B. said...

OH! OH!! OH!!!! What a wonderful place, and SO close to us! How fortunate you were to see all that wildlife--I wouldn've been thrilled to see a wood duck! Love the pilings and their reflections. I am looking forward to an explore here with you.

Lynda said...

Oh, I DO love this post! I particularly love the long line of pilings that looks like army ranks standing at attention, and of course, you would know that I love the wood duck and the heron. Beautifully done!