Thursday, October 18, 2012


On our last day, we traveled clear around Gray's Harbor, east, then west and south again, to visit the town of Westport.  I hadn't been back for many years, and I found that it hasn't changed much at all.  It is still primarily a little town for fishermen and the industry that keeps them happy.

This is what Westport is all about:

I really love weathered wood, and the more seasoned vessels:

We were surprised to see the water at the marinas clear enough to see large jellyfish in detail:

Fish nets are interesting subjects: 

Opportunistic passive "fishers" - pelicans and seals - stay close to the marinas:

Cutie-face:  (click once to see face up close)

A beach just south of town:

Pelicans in formation:

Grays' Harbor Lighthouse is the tallest in the state:

1 comment:

Nikki Cherry said...

love this post! You won't believe this but i have surfed near westport before. it happened once and never again. while it was fun, it was SO SO cold it almost froze the fun right out of the experience... haha but i'm glad i can say i've gone surfing in WA. haha