Saturday, August 18, 2012


This is the season for Queen Anne's Lace.
Roadsides, pathways, and pastures are all wearing pinafores over their
dried and faded summer clothing:

From buds ...

... to full-blown, 

the blossoms appear in all shapes and styles:

Mother Nature does "piercing" best:

Antiquated dandelion will probably persevere until the first frost:  

Another unseasonable surprise at the feet of the Queen Anne's Lace, a hardy clover:

Chicory blooms  like bright blue embroidery on the lace:

Reward for the early-morning photographer!


Lynda said...

So Lovely! Queen Anne's Lace has always been one of my favorites.

Lynda said...

I believe I may be over-using the single word that keeps coming to mind as I view your offerings: "Exquisite!" This truly is the word that applies in every way. I have always loved Queen Anne's Lace, and you have truly captured all of its variances. A welcome reminder that life is still 'abloom, even though I am surrounded by office walls and partitions. This is a treat!