Tuesday, July 24, 2012

COME 'N "SET A SPELL" (More Michigan)

The homes in Ludington and other little towns are lovely grand old Victorians.
The most charming parts of any home - and they all have them - are the porches, which seem to offer an open invitation.  Here are only a few examples of the down-home welcome:

Of course, there is always the beach, though if we sat here, we might have to empty sand from more than just our shoes!

This is more inviting:

Whaaaaa?  Well, it is not as it seems.  Pier-less, yes, but the water here was so shallow, that one would not get wet above the knees to get to this dock.  Gives "Stranded on an Island"  a whole different meaning!

Or there is always one of my favorite places, near a barn:


pat said...

Bwhahahaha!!! That last one is just toooooo funny! Unfortunately (or fortunately as the case proved) we know exactly where that is--the hiker's relief station! Seeing all thse porches took me right back there...bliss.

Lynda said...

Love how you collect and group your photos to tell a story! I couldn't help but notice all of that white, and then the charming paint details along the porch fronts. I definitely want to come n set a spell on a number of those porches!