Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I was doing errands in a neighboring town and - WHA' ? - could have gotten in an accident for looking at this row of trees.
I drove back and forth, in and out of side streets and business parking lots, looking for the parallel drive on which to park and take photos.  I only had my purse P&S, but it was worth the time:

It looks otherwise, but these photos are straight from the camera.
No filter or enhancement processes were used.
Such a happy little grove:

There was an informative sign which told me that the blue is an environmentally-safe and temporary color.  The "art" was created to bring attention to worldwide de-forestation.
Well, it got my attention, for sure.

This looks a little Monet-esque:


pat said...

Happy happy! So glad the "installation" was still there and you were able to catch it. LOVE that blue and green together.

Lynda said...

Wow! Wouldn't it be fun if they always looked like that!?