Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Backroads Pass

I have no idea the name of the pass, if it even has one, but we went through Huntington, Utah to cross it. Mid-April snow had fallen on the toes of aspen:
To our great surprise, we rounded a (slippery) corner, and myriads of color spots were winging against the bright snow! I was mad that I forgot my monopod, because it was so blindingly white.
I dunno' what they are called, but I call them "para-boarders".

What fun they must have!

And this is our goodbye to the Wasatch Front:

1 comment:

Lynda said...

It's been a LONG winter in Utah (7 months)! I love the contrast of the vivid color against all the white; what a lucky thing you had your camera in hand to capture it.