Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I am stuck in bed with a horrible flu. So, I moved into the day bed in my study so I could at least look out at Mt. Si directly from bed. (and be sick by myself!) Dick brought me 2 fresh tulip bouquets and set them on my desk. What he didn't realize is the wonderful view they provided, as a front-drop to the fresh-snowed-upon mountain.

So, teacher, here is a homework piece from getting out of bed! I used a tripod and natural light and ISO 400 for each except where noted.

What I couldn't achieve was the "true" view that I have: with both the tulips and the mountain in good focus. Perhaps I needed to pull back the tripod, but I didn't want to include the desk-top paraphernalia. Any suggestions? ML


Tracy said...

Beautiful juxapositional with tulips in the snow ML-really works as a concept to me-hope you feel better soon!

Mom-entarily Out of Order said...

Oh I hope you get better soon. I hate being sick. At least you have a nice view to enjoy.

I am going to assume you shot these in A mode. What metering option did you use? With all that white snow on Mt. Si and the dark tulip in front I suspect this threw your camera off because honestly the color in these photos look off which would be a result of incorrect metering for such a high contrast photo. I suspect the camera tried to compensate for the dark flowers and thus blew out (or nearly) the mountains behind them.

When you feel better reshoot this assignment and pick a more nuteral scene w/out high contrast and see if you are able to better see the difference of DOF as you adjust your aperture.

However - the high contrast photo would be perfect for shooting you "Metering Mode" assignment to see how your camera evaluates the scene differently between each mode.

Good job working while you are sick. Get some good rest.